Thursday, 15 November 2012

From the Tide Pool to the Stars: Series 3. Number Games

From the Tide Pool to the Stars

         Man is .... related to all reality, known and unknowable ... plankton, a
shimmering phosphorescence on the sea and the spinning planets and an expanding universe, all bound together by the elastic string of time.  It is advisable to look form the tide pool to the stars and then back the tide
pool again.                                      
John Steinbeck,  The Log from the Sea of Cortez
Many articles have appeared in The New Scientist over the past few years about a 'Goldilocks Universe'; the idea that our universe has just the right conditions for life to evolve.
One of the articles discusses this idea in a book called Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe. The author, Martin Rees, a cosmologist and the astronomer royal, addresses the cosmic coincidence that six numbers in physics have just the right value for the emergence of a universe with galaxies, stars, planets, chemistry and life and poses questions as to why this might be so.  I bought this brilliantly informative book and have read it many times.
The moment I saw the John Steinbeck quote Rees used to head the first chapter (above) I knew that this was the direction my work needed to take, I, too, needed to ‘look from the tide pool to the stars ...’ (see earlier series relating to Tides and Rock Pools)

The Six Numbers

The first number discussed is N, it relates to the size of the universe. Its huge value, 10 with 36 zeroes, gives us the balance between the nuclear forces that hold atoms together and the vastly feebler but ultimately inexorable power of gravity.  If N were any smaller our universe would be too small and too short-lived for anything larger than an insect to evolve.
The next number is ε – epsilon which has a value of 0.007 and defines how firmly atomic nuclei bind together and how all the atoms and therefore the chemistry of the earth was made.  If it had a value of 0.006 there would be no other elements only hydrogen, so no periodic table - no life.  Had it been a bit higher, at 0.008, protons would have fused in the big bang so not even any hydrogen!  
The next two numbers control the expansion of the universe.  First is W - Omega – about 0.3 – which refers to the ratio of the actual density of atoms in the universe per cubic metre, about 0.2, to the critical density, about 5 atoms per cubic metre, which would have provided so much gravitational pull the universe would have collapsed long before any life could have evolved.  Secondly is λ – lambda which with a value of only 0.007 is the weakest and most mysterious of forces.  It controls the expansion of the universe and so seems to dictate its whole future.  If it were much stronger the universe would have expanded too quickly and cosmic evolution would never have got started in the first place.
The fifth number Rees discusses is Q which gives rise to all stars, galaxies and galactic clusters and was imprinted in the Big Bang. One part in 100,000, it is the ratio between the rest mass energy of matter and the force of gravity. Were this ratio even smaller, gas would never condense into galaxies but if it were much larger the universe would be an empty place dominated by black holes.
Finally and so obvious is Ddimensions which must equal three as two or four would have made our evolution impossible.  The stability of the solar system relies on the fact that spacetime has, on the macroscale, only three physical dimensions.
These six values permit something significant to happen, and fortunately for us, to go on happening.
Series 3. Number Games (Encaustic works) 
Working through a series of encaustic works helped me to get nearer to an understanding of these ‘six numbers’ that constitute a ‘recipe’ for our universe, while the use of the ancient encaustic medium itself seemed appropriate for the purpose.
Encaustic paint made with bees wax melted with dammar crystals and coloured with pigment is applied molten in layer upon layer with each layer fused to the one before using heat. The surface can be incised and pigment worked into the cuts to create linear effects as in the works in this series. When finished it is polished to a soft luster that actually repels dirt!
Encaustic is believed to be at least 2,500 years old and was used by the ancient Egyptians to paint portraits of the dead. It is a very versatile, durable art form. 

Below are some of the Encaustic and Mixed Media works from the show.

From the Beginning of time
300x300mm, encaustic on linen 2012  SOLD

We Straddle the Cosmos  2012
300 x 300mm, encaustic on linen  SOLD

One Very Large Number
2011,  250x200mm, Encaustic on Board.  SOLD

One with 36 Noughts
250x200mm, Encaustic on board, SOLD

Alchemy in the Star  2011
250x200mm, Encaustic on board

A Flat Universe   2011
250x200mm, Encaustic on board.  SOLD

A Tentative Hypothesis   2012
250x200mm Encaustic with iron oxide on board. SOLD

Expanding Universe  2011
250x200mm, Encaustic on board.  SOLD

Luminous Sediment
2012, 250x200mm, encaustic on board. SOLD

The Texture of the Universe
2012, Encaustic and sand on board SOLD

Foam on the Wave Crests
2012, 250x200mm, Encaustic on board. SOLD

Three Dimensions
2011, 250x200mm SOLD

Cosmic Web    2012
250x200mm, Encaustic on board SOLD

Evolutionary Spiral   2012
250x200mm, encaustic, iron oxide on board. SOLD

A Tentative Hypothesis  2011
250x200mm, encaustic on board.  SOLD

Time: One Way Arrow 2012
250x200mm, encaustic and iron oxide on board. SOLD

A Interesting Universe   2012
250x200mm, Encaustic, iron oxide, verdigris.  SOLD
Star Dust: Neptune's Necklace  2011
200x180mm, Encaustic on board. SOLD

Ouraborus: Nereis amblyodonta  2012
200x1800, Encaustic on board.  SOLD

An Interesting Universe   2012
250x250mm.  Rust, verdigris, encaustic on canvas SOLD

Complex Chemistry   2012
Rust, verdigris, wax on board

The series of oil paintings that followed are a response to various cosmic concepts, for example that ‘we straddle the cosmos and the micro world’ – that we are intermediate in size between atoms and the sun and that our planet and everything in it, including us, are galactic fossils made from the debris from stars that exploded in the early universe.  The ‘Six Numbers’ make their appearance in most of these works as well.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Exhibition Flyer and Invitation

From the Tide Pool to the Stars: Oil paintings

From the Tide Pool to the Stars: Series 4 

My most recent project has been a series of oil paintings bringing together ideas from the earlier series. 
They look also at concepts such as our place in the universe - that ‘we straddle the cosmos and the micro world’ – that we are intermediate in size between atoms and the sun and that our planet and everything in it, including us, are galactic fossils made from the debris of stars that exploded in the early universe.  The ‘Six Numbers’ make their appearance in most of these works as well.  There are eight works in this series.

From the Tide Pool to the Stars  2012, 700 x 600 mm
Oil and rust on sand and gesso on canvas

We are Related to all Reality
2012, 700 x 600 mm,
Oil and rust on sand and gesso on canvas

A Universe with the Right Combination
2012, 500 x 500 mm
Oil and rust on canvas
An Expanding Universe
2012, 800 x 200 mm
Oil with rusted iron and gold leaf on linen canvas

The Right Combination
2012, 800 x 200 mm
Oil with rust and gold leaf on linen canvas
A Goldilocks Universe
2012, 800 x 200 mm
Oli wuth rust and verdigris on sand with gesso on linen   SOLD
We are Midway Between
2012, 300 x 500 mm
Oil paint with rust and sand on canvas

Friday, 17 August 2012

Tide Pools and Phases of the Moon: Oil paintings, Encaustic works, Photography

From the Tide Pool to the Stars: New work by Raemon Rolfe

Series 1. Tidal Forces   These 12 Photographic works are each 250 x 200mm 
They combine digital and darkroom techniques and were hand printed on Ilford Multigrade Warm tone RC darkroom paper then toned with blue and/or brown chemical toners then painted with layers of oil glazes. 

Top row:  Full Moon, Rising Tide and Last Quarter Moon, Dark Rocks

Bottom row: Waning Gibbous Moon, Flowing Tide and Full Moon above Rocks

Top row:  First Quarter Moon over Sea and Full Moon, Spring Tide
Bottom row:  
Waxing Gibbous Moon above Wave and Waxing Gibbous Moon, Rising Tide

Series 2: Waxing and Waning; Rising and Falling, looks at the relationship between the phases of the moon and the tides that bring life to the rock pools.   

Waxing and Waning  - 2011-12   Each work is 200 x 200 mm, oil on acrylic emulsion and sand on canvas -  

Risning and Falling  - 2011-12  Each work is 200 x 200 mm, oil paint and rust (some with verdigris) on acrylic emulsion on canvas

Rock with Barnacles

Tide Line

Neptune's Necklace

Pool with Seaweed
Deep Pool with Bubbles (Spring Tide)

All works will be available from  7 September 2012 at 

  33 George Street, Palmerston North  Ph. 06 35524278

Saturday, 14 July 2012

2010 Railway Souvenirs: Painting and Photography

2010   Railway Souvenirs: New paintings and photographic works by Raemon Rolfe  
             July 23 – August 17,  2010  Solo show at Taylor Jensen Fine Arts  Palmerston North  

Railway Souvenirs, a series of paintings and unique photographic works, combine fragments of current and historical landscape features, images of steam locomotives that were associated particularly with the lower North Island, and other elements that evoke personal memories connected to the places depicted.

fired on steam locomotives in New Zealand before WWII, in North Africa during the war, then back in New Zealand for a short time after, before re-training to be a precision engineer.  During my childhood he devoted much of his spare time to designing and building model steam locomotives. His extensive knowledge and expertise, his archive of photographs, books, magazines and drawings, and his memoirs both spoken and written were invaluable for my project.  
I gathered images and ideas for the series on research trips by road and rail.

Some works from Railway Souvenirs series

Tangarakau Souvenir  (Version 2)  2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas  600x700mm
Artist's collection

Paekakariki Souvenir   2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas 400x600mm
Private collection

'J' 1211,  2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas  500x500mm
Private collection
Woodville Souvenir     2009-10
Oil on sand, gesso, canvas   600x700mm
Private collection

Raurimu Souvenir   2009-10
Oil on sand on gesso on canvas  600x700mm 

Main Trunk Souvenir  2009-10
Oil on sand, gesso, canvas   600x700mm
Private collection

Manawatu Souvenir  2010
Oil on sand and gesso on canvas
Private collection
NZR 'V' Class/Manawatu  2010 
Oil on sand and gesso on canvas,  500x450mm
Private collection
Signal box, Paekakariki  2010
Oil on sand on gesso on canvas   300x300m
Water Tank, Paekakariki   2010
Oil on sand on gesso on canvas   300x300mm

'WAB' 794   2009
700 x 600 mm  Oil on sand and gesso on canvas
'A Most Beautiful Locomotive'     2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas  300x400mm
Private collection
'Josephine' at Aramaho  2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas 300x400mm
Private collection
Tunnel & Fowler, Tangarakau  2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas  600x700mm
Tangarakau Mainstreet,1930,     2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas 400x300mm
Tangarakau Railway Bridge & 'Ww'  2010
Oil on sand on gesso, canvas  250x300mm
Artist's collection
Castle Cliff Line with 'Moana'  2009-10
Oil on sand, gesso, canvas   600x300mm
Private collection
'X' and 'WAB' with Feilding Steam     2009-10
Oil on sand, gesso, canvas   400x300mm
Private collection

Family Ticket  2010 
600 x 700 mm, Oil and acrylic on gesso on canvas
Private collection
You Can Depend on the Train   2010
600x700mm  Oil on acrylic on gesso on canvas

Class 'AB' Souvenir   2010
600 x 300 mm, Oil on acrylic on gesso on canvas
Private collection
Tangarakau Station   2010
600x700mm  Oil on acrylic emulsion with sand and ash on gesso on canvas

Private collection

For the 'Railway Souvenir' Series (2009-10) I made a series of silver gelatin photographic prints which I toned in sunlight through sand before fixing (see below). This gave the images a rusted look that suited the theme of old steam engines and abandoned railway lines.

Baker Valve Gear   2010 Sun-toned

 Silver gelatin print  20x20cm

 Series of 36 

Woodville Yards   2010  Sun-toned

Silver gelatin print  20x20cm

Series of 36 

Some works still available