Thursday, 12 July 2018

New work, 2018: An Atom in the Universe

'Mountains of Molecules'

'No life to Entertain'

'Tortured by Energy'

'A New Dance Starts'

'A Pattern ever more Intricate'

'Matter with Curiosity'

'An Atom in the Universe'

The idea that the atoms we are made of have consciousness and curiosity which enables us to wonder about our place in the universe is the theme of this series of seven small diptychs. The poem ‘An Atom in the Universe’  by Theoretical Physicist Richard Feynman (Poem and link below) provided the inspiration and the titles of the works.  I first heard about Richard Feynman at the superb Science Show presented by Prof Brian Cox and British comedian, Robin Ince, in Wellington last year.

Media: oil paint, wax medium, sand, ash, marble dust, collage on acrylic emulsion on board.  Size: 440x290mm 

The Exhibition opens Friday 13th at  5-7pm and will run until August 1st at
Taylor-Jensen Fine Arts   Contact Stuart Schwartz  06 3554278
or me at

By Richard P. Feynman

There are the rushing waves 
mountains of molecules 
each stupidly minding its own business 
trillions apart 
yet forming white surf in unison. 

Ages on ages 
before any eyes could see 
year after year 
thunderously pounding the shore as now. 
For whom, for what? 
On a dead planet 
with no life to entertain. 

Never at rest 
tortured by energy 
wasted prodigiously by the sun 
poured into space 
A mite makes the sea roar. 

Deep in the sea 
all molecules repeat 
the patterns of one another 
till complex new ones are formed. 
They make others like themselves 
and a new dance starts. 

Growing in size and complexity 
living things 
masses of atoms 
DNA, protein 
dancing a pattern ever more intricate. 

Out of the cradle 
onto dry land 
here it is 
atoms with consciousness; 
matter with curiosity. 

Stands at the sea, 
wonders at wondering: I 
a universe of atoms 
an atom in the universe.